Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Earn Extra Income at Home

OK, so they say you can make an income from home by using AdSense and Link share and other such places and it may well be possible however it is not instant and it is not something that you can do in 5 minutes once a week. If those people exist they are very quiet about how they have been able to do this. The only thing that keeps this going is that I personally like to write these little observations even if no one is there to read them. Oh I have looked at the keyword list and how to put the proper buzz words into a story but then what is supposed to be something of interest becomes nothing but one big ad space with no information. The only problem is that it takes time to be found on the web and that in itself is enough to stop most people from building any kind of income. Places like My Power Mall promise instant money and even though it may be possible if all everyone does is grow the market without buying anything then even though that is a great idea and planning to help children it will implode just like all other multi level markets. I truly hope it does succeed because I do support the idea of helping children with the profits and I am one of those people who shop online. Other than that I just keep putting my observations down in these little blogs for the sake of getting things off my chest. It would be nice if you could lump all the ripoff out here in one spot and then delete them or quarantine them like a virus but then sooner or later the lawyers would get involved and the freedom of the net would be gone. So it is definitely buyer beware out here. Money can be made most definitely or the web would have crashed long ago ( It cost money to buy and run a computer you know that right?) ---sorry couldn't help myself.

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